Assignemnt #40 and Modulus Animations
/// Name: Mark Katz
/// Period: 6
/// Program Name: Modulus Animations
/// File Name:
/// Date Finished: 10/5/15
public class ModulusAnimations
public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception
for ( int i=0; i<80; i++ )
if ( i%21 == 0 )
System.out.print(" Mr. Mitchell is cool. \r");
else if (i%21 == 1 )
System.out.print(". Mr. Mitchell is cool \r");
else if (i%21 == 2 )
System.out.print(" l. Mr. Mitchell is coo \r");
else if (i%21 == 3 )
System.out.print(" ol. Mr. Mitchell is co \r");
else if (i%21 == 4 )
System.out.print(" ool. Mr. Mitchell is c \r");
else if (i%21 == 5 )
System.out.print(" cool. Mr. Mitchell is \r");
else if (i%21 == 6 )
System.out.print(" cool. Mr. Mitchell i \r");
else if (i%21 == 7 )
System.out.print(" s cool. Mr. Mitchell \r");
else if (i%21 == 8 )
System.out.print(" is cool. Mr. Mitchell \r");
else if (i%21 == 9 )
System.out.print(" is cool. Mr. Mitchell \r");
else if (i%21 == 10 )
System.out.print(" l is cool. Mr. Mitchel \r");
else if (i%21 == 11 )
System.out.print(" ll is cool. Mr. Mitche \r");
else if (i%21 == 12 )
System.out.print(" ell is cool. Mr. Mitch \r");
else if (i%21 == 13 )
System.out.print(" hell is cool. Mr. Mitc \r");
else if (i%21 == 14 )
System.out.print(" chell is cool. Mr. Mit \r");
else if (i%21 == 15 )
System.out.print(" tchell is cool. Mr. Mi \r");
else if (i%21 == 16 )
System.out.print(" itchell is cool. Mr. M \r");
else if (i%21 == 17 )
System.out.print(" Mitchell is cool. Mr. \r");
else if (i%21 == 18 )
System.out.print(" Mitchell is cool. Mr. \r");
else if (i%21 == 19 )
System.out.print(" . Mitchell is cool. Mr \r");
else if (i%21 == 20 )
System.out.print(" r. Mitchell is cool. M \r");
Picture of the output