Assignemnt #14 and More Variables And Printing


      /// Name: Mark Katz
    /// Period: 6
    /// Program Name: More Variables And Printing
    /// File Name:
    /// Date Finished: 9/11/2015
    public class MoreVariablesAndPrinting
    public static void main( String[] args )
        String Name, Eyes, Teeth, Hair;
        int Age, Height, Weight;
        double Heightcm, Weightkg;

        Name = "Mark A Katz";
        Age = 16;     // not a lie
        Height = 70;  // inches
        Heightcm = Height*2.54;
        Weight = 175; // lbs
        Weightkg = Weight*0.453592;
        Eyes = "Hazle";
        Teeth = "Yellow";
        Hair = "Brown";
        System.out.println( "Let's talk about " + Name + "." );
        System.out.println( "He's " + Height + " inches (or " + Heightcm + " cm) tall." );
        System.out.println( "He's " + Weight + " pounds (or " +Weightkg +" kg) pounds" );
        System.out.println( "Actually, that's not too heavy." );
        System.out.println( "He's got " + Eyes + " eyes and " + Hair + " hair." );
        System.out.println( "His teeth are usually " + Teeth + " depending on the coffee." );

        // This line is tricky; try to get it exactly right.
        System.out.println( "If I add " + Age + ", " + Height + ", and " + Weight
            + " I get " + (Age + Height + Weight) + "." );

Picture of the output
